Tag Archives: news


Developments in recent months, will be trend in Spain?


Flower Sprouts are a vegetable that has been obtained from the crossing of the famous Kale cabbage and Brussels sprouts and offers the best nutritional and organoleptic properties of each. They’ve been two years in the UK and US market, has a very small size (fits in the palm of the hand) and you can eat and cook in the same way as other cabbage varieties: roasted, raw, boiled and steamed. Continue reading


The Mindfoodness

The Mindfoodness is an Anglo-Saxon term that implies relate to food through full consciousness. It is not a diet or a way to lose weight, but it is:

  • A personal development in relation to food
  • Body care through healthy eating and respectful with the environment
  • Training of the five senses, so that eating is a multisensory experience


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b concept

Jordi Bordas’method: The B-concept

Jordi Bordas, today known as one of the best pastry chefs in the world, after being the World Pastry Champion  in 2011, has created the B-concept intended to revolutionize the field of pastry.

His passion for work and involvement, his perseverance, his desire to improve and the belief that nothing is impossible a priori, make him a charismatic leader and those were the characteristics that helped him to reach the World Pastry Cup.

Just when he reached this professional success, he decided to break away from the traditional recipes and evolve their formulas. It was the rise of B-concept.

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bcn gluten free

Barcelona in March will become the national and European gluten free capital

The 28th, 29th and 30th of March will be the BCN Gluten Free exhibition, the first spanish exhibition devoted exclusively to gluten-free products and diet, the main ingredient of the stability of flour. This exhibition will be held at the International Convention Centre (CCIB), a plot of more than 4.000m2.


This fair will be attended by producers, doctors, journalists and chefs and there will be the latest gluten-free cooking demonstrations and talks by experts, manufacturers and engineers.

The BCN Gluten Free is supported by the Celiac Association of Catalonia, the Federation of Associations of Celiac in Spain (FACE) and the Association of Celiac and Gluten Sensitive of Madrid.

The Federation of Celiac in Spain says that every day there are more manufacturers that offer gluten-free products, but still a long way to go. It is estimated that 1% of the Spanish population is celiac and one of the main demands of this part of the population is that gluten-free products become cheaper. Sometimes, a gluten-free product can double its price compared to one that does contain gluten.

So, the challenge is, a part from being trendy, trying to offer a solution to this part of the population.

Good lucky! Let’s innovate!

cocina creativa formatos singulares

Spanish people want unique formats!

As we read in gastroeconomy, a business trends and gastronomy website, the economic crisis has caused a reduction in number of customers and also a reduction of the ticket in the restoration.

Although, there is a part of the population who tends to resort to basics: cooking and making bread at home or set up a backyard garden or on the rooftop, those who prefer to keep going out to lunch or dinner, prioritize affordability and informal, with quality products.

It is for this reason that now more than ever are required professional chefs who are able to offer lower-cost but rich, original and unique dishes.

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