Tag Archives: food


Developments in recent months, will be trend in Spain?


Flower Sprouts are a vegetable that has been obtained from the crossing of the famous Kale cabbage and Brussels sprouts and offers the best nutritional and organoleptic properties of each. They’ve been two years in the UK and US market, has a very small size (fits in the palm of the hand) and you can eat and cook in the same way as other cabbage varieties: roasted, raw, boiled and steamed. Continue reading


The Mindfoodness

The Mindfoodness is an Anglo-Saxon term that implies relate to food through full consciousness. It is not a diet or a way to lose weight, but it is:

  • A personal development in relation to food
  • Body care through healthy eating and respectful with the environment
  • Training of the five senses, so that eating is a multisensory experience


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Ten gastronomic destinations

All or almost all tourist destinations have something special in their cusine, but we can not deny that there are some destinations that stand out above others and we could almost say their cuisine is worthier than their monuments. So ten of the dining destinations as we have seen the Lonely Planet ranks among the 12 best in the world, are the following ones:

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