Tag Archives: restauració

Novetats MONTSEC gamma premium

Montsec new products

This year 2016 we launched three new products to the market, one consumer-focused and two for professional workers in hotels and restaurants. Let’s introduce them to you:


Blister q-crema foto mural

Under the insistent demand of the sector to provide cream cheese tubs, finally we offer them. We expect to see them next to the familiar butter and margarine tubs in all breakfast buffets and in all restaurants as an appetizer or as the accompaniment of the bread. Continue reading

cocina creativa formatos singulares

Spanish people want unique formats!

As we read in gastroeconomy, a business trends and gastronomy website, the economic crisis has caused a reduction in number of customers and also a reduction of the ticket in the restoration.

Although, there is a part of the population who tends to resort to basics: cooking and making bread at home or set up a backyard garden or on the rooftop, those who prefer to keep going out to lunch or dinner, prioritize affordability and informal, with quality products.

It is for this reason that now more than ever are required professional chefs who are able to offer lower-cost but rich, original and unique dishes.

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