Tag Archives: restaurants

genereal blog octubre

Dishes and products in October

After spring and the expected summer, autumn may seem a rather sad season, with the arrival of the rain and the disappearance of many fruits and vegetables typical of previous seasons.

In addition, the most the least, the results of the excesses faces in their diet during the holidays and October becomes the ideal month to rebalance the weight.

It is for this reason that must adapt restaurant menus to customers’ needs.

Luckily, october allows us to add to our plates many vegetables, which will facilitate the work.

Let’s see what products are suitable for adding to daily menus in October and also facilitate the desire and need for customers to return to their ideal weight.

Some suitable products would be:

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The strangest restaurants in the world

Some of you have already been on vacation, others will still have time to wait, perhaps others will not take a vacation this year or they just won’t travel… For this reason, this post will serve to give us an idea about which are the strangest restaurants you can find in the different holidays destinies and it may works as an inspiration to schedule vacation next summer.
We have been amazed at the culinary possibilities that one can find in the world, according loquenosabias.com.

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cocina creativa formatos singulares

Spanish people want unique formats!

As we read in gastroeconomy, a business trends and gastronomy website, the economic crisis has caused a reduction in number of customers and also a reduction of the ticket in the restoration.

Although, there is a part of the population who tends to resort to basics: cooking and making bread at home or set up a backyard garden or on the rooftop, those who prefer to keep going out to lunch or dinner, prioritize affordability and informal, with quality products.

It is for this reason that now more than ever are required professional chefs who are able to offer lower-cost but rich, original and unique dishes.

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