fotos muchas bolsas

Variables influencing purchasing

The other day, reading the digital version of the book “Marketing in the XXI Century” writen by Rafael Muñiz, I decided to make a post about the effect of environmental variables on consumer behavior.

It is always concerned, but even more in times of crisis, if people get in or not inside our business and after that if they are going to decide to buy or not.

The work entitled “Factors influencing consumer behavior” written by Joseph Alonzo Maldonado Sahuí and presented to the National Award COLPARMEX 2008 Research in the area of Marketing, is a very interesting read that delves a lot about the subject that we will discuss today in this post.

Different factors clearly influence the human behavior when shopping in a store or another: the location of the business, product pricing, advertising and promotion of the business, sellers actitude and consumer service provided and store attributes.

We will discuss the variables that will be easier to change: store attributes. Although they are small changes they are critical to complete purchases. On the other hand, some of these variables as the location of the business or the prices of our products often are determined by external causes without much change maneuver. Advertising or promotion depend on the capital that we have and sellers and customer service, although they are also very decisive on the issue we are talking about, we’ll leave them for a future post.

For this reason, we will focus on store attributes that can help us win customers and they are not going to cost us great economic efforts and can cause major reactions in our public to help generate sales:

1. Show variety. It is important to present a wide assortment or range of products. Moreover, fashion is changing rapidly, and our business has to be able to be tailored to these changes and provide customers the latest trends.

2. Sort products sold. It is important to show the products we offer grouped and organized in a logical basis to facilitate the prospective buyer see how many units of one type of product we have, see similar options, remind (placing complementary products close ) if they forgot or lacked any other product, etc.

orden 2

3. Shop decoration. Apart of cleaning, another essential and very important variable, decorating the store can help trigger purchase. You have to strive to create a comfortable and quiet atmosphere, taking special care with outside (where there will be the first contact), the windows (as they will invite to come to your business), the furniture store, intensity and type of light and color that predominates (which are the things that will ultimately convince the potential client that you stay local).


Regarding the effects of color, it has been shown that it creates certain emotional states or attracting attention. Thus, for example, hot colors produce a greater physical attraction establishments. Similarly, light colors make the local seems bigger, a factor that can be really useful when the business is small in size.

4. Music. Careful selection of sounds can have a big impact on consumption. Likewise, we can deduce, as Adrian North from University of Leicester proved, that the music we have in our business is likely to cause different reactions to people who are in the store: you may invite them to sit a drink and sitting, to buy something and leave the store, to decide to return or to choose not to re-enter, summarizing, acting one way or another.


5. Odor. The smell is one of the least studied components, however, is one of the most influential, overall in food stores and restaurants. There are some studies that say the smell influences consumer evaluation of the property as well as their behavior. For example, it has been found that the assessments relating to trade and the atmosphere of it are more positive when the smell is nice when there is not.

olor a pan

6. Take profit of the timeout. It is very important to take advantage of the opportunities that exist in our business. Post a stand, a cabinet or a display next to the counter where your client have to pay or in the side where the queue is formed for checkout are splendid opportunities to cause compulsive buying. Customers have to be in that place waiting for a few minutes. You can place goods with a discount or sweets, which are products that appeal to both children and adults.

chocolatinas en caja

After giving an overview of some variables that could help to create an environment that encourages buying more I show you the important variables that have highlighted different thinkers years ago on this subject.

Captura de pantalla 2014-02-25 a la(s) 12.39.34

And here the post this month! Let’s innovate!

One thought on “Variables influencing purchasing

  1. diana

    hacer de la vida y la experiencia en ella un negocio rentable es bastante increible, las compras son importantes de tenerlas en cuenta, la demanda.


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